Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas is a Magical Time

On this eve of Christmas, I want to take the time and this chance to deeply wish all a Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays.

  As we near the end of this year, it is time to reflect on all our gratitude over the past 12 months. Sometimes the events we experience do not feel like a gratitude, but later, over time, we see that we have been pointed in a different and better direction. 

  Christmas should be a time of inner journey filled with dreams, fantasy and spiritual nourishment. It is not what you give or get, it is about erecting stronger bonds with our inner and outer environments through positive core beliefs. The stronger our core beliefs, the stronger our ties with the ones we love. For as we have experienced this year, it can be a regular day, and suddenly we will not see a love one again.

  Love your family and yourself as though it is the last moment you have. Tonight and tomorrow morning is a magical time not only for our children and grandchildren but also for the inner child in all of us.

Yes Billy, Santa is real!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Life: Searching for an Answer

"Life doesn't happen to you in fact it happens for you" 

It seems that events that happen in our lives feels negative, bad or overwhelming at the moment they happen. But there is always a reason for each life event that we experience. 

Sometimes it seems like your life falls apart in an instance and all we worked for is gone. you tend to get stuck in resentments.

Down the road, after situations have past, and the hurt diminishes over time if you do not feed it with intense focus or you see a new picture. When all the pieces come together a whole understanding is revealed from within.

It could be a change in a relationship, a loss of a job or catastrophic disaster. Initially there seems like there is no reason but it is meant to drive us into a new direction. Do not close ourselves off to the possibility of a new direction and greater success. Think maybe there is a new door that opens.

What is possible?

When events happen, slow down, listen inwardly, resist self-limiting beliefs, negative looping thoughts and the feeling of being wronged. Rather seek the message that the universe is serving up to you. Tough experiences make us stronger and gives us a new focus when we look at the possibilities.


If you have any questions, leave me a comment below.

If you know of anyone that could benefit from the words in this blog, please forward them a link to the post. Visit my website.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Positive Change: How to get the brain to change the way it works

Let's face it … life can be disappointing if you are not happy with the way you think, act, feel or react.
It takes an incredible amount of energy to get up every morning and go through an entire day with someone you don't like … You! This would explain why you feel tired all the time.
It is really hard to cope with not wanting to live in your own life, and self-judgment will creep in.
Negative thoughts over take your mind, and you find yourself looping constantly through a cycle of thoughts: “If only I had … I should have … I could have...I am not good enough."  

Looping negative thoughts can cause a thought addiction and become the gateway into other addictions.
It can be overwhelming to always have a sense of separation from yourself or having feelings of emptiness in life.

Trust me, I know how you feel.

My entire life I was consumed with worry, fear and anxiety.  I was so unhappy with my life. My total focus was on how I was not performing up to expectations. While always worrying about what might happen in the future, I lost the good things occurring in the present moment.
I felt out of control and disappointed with me. I didn't know why.

The cloud over my head just wouldn't go away.

Then, I found out about mental coding. I’m not talking about the computer type of source code, but rather the type of code which controlled my brain.

In the background of everyone's mind, there is code running. You might say this code is more like rules, regulations or laws that govern how a person will act, think or feel.

I researched this idea, but I did not find much. However, I did find a real life example through an unrelated experience.

I was working with a Web Developer, and there were two large monitors in front of me. On one monitor, the computer source code for my new website was displayed. The other monitor displayed the actual website as it would be seen on the Internet. The source code told the computer what to display on the other monitor down to the smallest detail. When the Web Developer would change a symbol on the source code monitor, the other monitor would instantly change, too. This was just like looking at the conscious and the subconscious mind, and I gained clarity on how the brain responds in the same way.

Is it possible that the brain’s code regulates actions, thoughts and feelings?

Actually, the brain does work by the same procedure. The code running in our subconscious (background) determines and influences how we function in our daily activities (foreground).

Our brain code is written throughout our whole life without our even being aware it is happening. Our beliefs, values, expectations, ethics, morals, rules, standards ... these rules (or as I see it, our personal philosophy) manifests in our reactions.

I have developed a new method to help you recognize your code, determine whether it is good  motivating code or bad limiting code, then how to rewrite the code according to your own design. This works extremely well. Change your code, and you change your world … inside and out.

So there you have it!  Read my blog on "Searching for Positive Change" below, and discover 5 tips to help you accomplish a shift in your mental code.
If you have any questions, leave me a comment below.
And if you know anyone else who is always complaining about being tired, please send them a link to this post. You might just help change their lives!

Monday, October 29, 2012

2013 Seminar Opinion Survey

I have been very successful in the past couple of years with developing my life coaching business and now I am ready to move forward. I am interested in teaching others the values I have discovered with life coaching, personal philosophy method and upgrading my rapid reduction technique. I would like the input of my fellow colleagues, friends, associates and clients past and present on your interests. So please, if you would click the link to fill out the attached form and lets move forward together.

Please fill out my form.
Thank you Dr. Bill

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Positive Change is a Risk

Life experiences and the formed beliefs related to them have a tendency to cause a closing of the mind over time and dilutes clarity of thought. Don't get trapped in old beliefs that block attempts at success.

A positive change is not made by wondering what you could have done differently in the past or an intense need worry about how to fix what you did wrong or situations that went wrong. You making positive change is also not made by worrying what is to come in the future. Positive change can only be created and accomplished in the moment with clear thinking.

Many people spend their time projecting and preparing for what might happen in the future. Others center their attention on the past and lose his or her focus as well as drive. Meanwhile what is happening in the moment is totally lost.

To make a positive change requires taking a risk do new things which were thought to be impossible. Positive change is creating through risking new thought, envisioning what is wanted, and experiencing what the success of achieving the intention would feel like. Adopt a new mindset that everything is possible.

Life is truly fleeting. What is here right now will disappear in a flash and then we will wonder where it went. So create in the moment and strive for the intended positive change. Don't wait, life is ticking away.

Remember -
                              "Yesterday is just a memory,
                                   Today is the moment,
                                        Tomorrow is an enigma"

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Searching for Positive Change

All of us want to make a positive change. Making a positive change can happen but it has to begin with changing the core beliefs that have formed throughout our lives without our knowledge. The number one core belief is "I am not good enough". If core beliefs are not changed then we will not be able to change.

I have written many articles on core beliefs and the power they have over how we function every day. Core beliefs reside deep within our subconscious and carry a lot of influence on our thoughts, emotional reactions and behavior. If a person's core beliefs are negative or self defeating then we tend to keep us stuck with no movement in our lives. If our core beliefs are positive then they motivate us toward success.

Here is 5 tips to help you get started in making a positive change. These tips will help you to heal and shift core beliefs from being a barrier to becoming a positive driving force.

Recognize. First and foremost, recognize that you carry core beliefs about yourself that have rooted in your subconscious and that they have taken a lifetime to form. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you explore your own beliefs. Recognizing a core belief doesn't mean that you have to like it or that it is true, it just is a part of you belief system. Don't underestimate the influence they have over your life. Once triggered by a current event, a core belief will surface into your conscious and drive how you react in thoughts, feelings or actions

Identify. When you have a strong reaction to something or someone, ask yourself “why?", "does this current event remind me of an event I experienced in the past?", then ask "what was the message that event caused me to form a belief about me?” Once you identify the core belief, begin a working list. Once you have accumulated a list of your core beliefs then determine if each is a barrier or a motivator in your life. Next to each core belief that is a barrier, create a new belief that you want to replace it with.

Reduce Reaction. Understand your first reaction may be to push the belief away out of your conscious awareness; or to feel guilty for believing that of yourself. Or ashamed that you are still holding on to this belief all that time. Anytime you try to force away a belief, it is like fueling a flame. The belief will grow stronger and will begin to loop in your mind. The associated feeling will intensify and begins to cause physical reactions. Sit quietly and attune to both. Acceptance of both, the belief and associated feeling, will reduce their power. Within 10 minutes, both will lose its power significantly.

Shifting. Close your eyes, mentally visualize each barrier core belief one at a time in your mind, erase it and then visualize the new core belief you created in the same spot. Verbally commit to it and open your eyes. The close your eyes and repeat the procedure with each barrier core belief until you finish the list..

Practice. Now to get the new list firmly embedded into your unconsciousness, repeat the new list of core beliefs, positive messages about you, at least 5 times a day everyday for 90 days. In 90 days, your new positive core belief list will be rooted into your subconscious and will influence a new way of thinking, emotional reaction and behavior.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Thought Addiction


     "Thought Addiction is the Precursor to all Other Addictions"


Thought Addiction (TA)

Thought addiction is real. Thought addiction or TA has been ignored by addicts as well as addiction professionals. The fact is that this type of addiction is the entry way into to other addiction. People in fact start using other thing just to quiet a thought that will not turn off in their consciousness. Thought addiction can consume and devastate someone’s life. So can there be such a thing an addiction to a thought?

What is a thought addiction?

Yes there can be.  The definition of thought addiction is the development of a habitual thought pattern to one thought or more thoughts. Thought addiction is the constant looping of negative and self-judging thoughts that do not serve the individual thinking. TA has damaging results on the person and dilutes all other thoughts as well as it depletes all energy to every other system of the body. An addiction to a thought produces a rapid and intense change in mood and causes a painful withdrawal when there is an attempt to stop.

To learn more about thought addiction by cut and pasting these two links or my website:


4 Steps for Making a Positive Change

Achieving positive change in your life is yours when you believe that you deserve it, when you desire it and know it is possible. Positive change will be present for you when you are truly authentic with yourself. It is there when your internal core beliefs match with your external reactions to life experiences. 

Everything that you do accomplish should be for one reason and one reason only, your benefit. You have to believe that you will feel more positive once thing begin to manifest towards you.  


The truth is you are and manifest what you believe about yourself.

In order to have effective change you must feel positive that you deserve what you desire before you can achieve what you want!  

4 Steps for Making a Positive Change

1. Believe in yourself first 

2. Make an action plan with detail steps 

3. Put your steps into action and follow through 

4.  Live in the moment 


Do this, and your life will change for the positive. Said another way, creating new core beliefs and putting them into action consistently will produce positive results and you manifest differently in your in how you act, feel, think and reactions. So make a positive change to yourself and your life.

If you simply look around with positive eyes you will see that you already have much of what you desire, yourself.

 Remember, positive core beliefs are an internal vision of future success or barriers. Tune in to your core beliefs then you will spiral upward receiving more that positiveness in your life.

Visit my website and download my eBook gift to you!