One of my biggest days of my life was the birth of my
grandson. To be blessed with a new gift like that filled my heart and soul and
everything I have learned since then has brought me more enlightenment and
Well today I have another gift that I want to pass on to you
the reader. To begin a new path to happiness and freedom you
have to gain more wisdom. Wisdom becomes fruitful when you put it into action.
Action begets success and freedom.
The result all of this is a whole new mindset.
With that I present you a new feature on this blog site. If
you glance to the right of this blog you will see the new feature which is an
audio player titled Radio Shows with Dr. Bill.
I have selected the
most useful and important shows for the issues covered in this blog to help you
gain enlightenment and wisdom. With all this wisdom you get from the shows will
get you started down a new path toward shifting to a healthy mindset.
Please enjoy all the
radio shows that will raise your enlightenment! Take another step and subscribe
to this Blog and follow me as I write even more enlightenment with each blog I post.