Sunday, November 30, 2014

4 Tips on Changing Old Thought Patterns

One of my popular clicked on articles is How to Change Old Patterns of Thinking. This article has been viewed over 13,000 times.  Why? Because people are dissatisfied with how they think and interested in changing them.

So how do you change thought patterns? Well there are four tips to accomplishing a significant change in the way you think and alter old thinking patterns for good.

Tip #1:

Determine the thoughts you would like to embed into your subconscious mind and write down those thoughts on paper. Title your list Positive Life Affirmations or PLA. Examples of some powerful of PLAs you can add to your list are:

You are happy,

You deserve to be healthy,

You are deserving of love,

You are prosperous 

You deserve to be productive 

Create and add any statements of positiveness you would like to be front and center in your conscious stream of thoughts. Keep your list to no more than 10 positive life affirmations during any 30 day period.

Tip #2

Set up a daily schedule on your calendar. Commit to a time every morning, afternoon, after dinner or before bedtime) for thirty (30) days. During each daily scheduled time, read your list 4 times in a row. The most important time is just before you close your eyes to go asleep. Why? Think about it. Most people think of negative things like what went wrong today, what will I face in tomorrow, what I did like today and how do I fix what the mistakes of the day. Their subconscious mind mills over those answers all the time they are asleep and when they awaken they do not want to get out of bed because they are afraid things will go wrong and wrong things happen.

On the other hand if you feed your subconscious mind positive thoughts then your subconscious mind will percolate on those positive thoughts on your list the whole time you asleep and in the morning when you wake up your subconscious mind will look to manifest that positive list and associate with positiveness in your life.

 Tip #3

Repetition is the third key. Practice, practice and practice your list some more. The more you repeat your list the quicker it embeds.

Repetition by someone else or self-repeating is how the old negative thoughts got into your subconscious mind originally. So through practice, the new thoughts will be accepted and replace the old ones. Let’s look at an athlete who wants to win gold and become an Olympic Level athlete. The way to reach this goal is by practicing their skills over and over again until they can perform the skills without thinking. The same is true about changing thoughts. The more you repeat, repeat and repeat your new positive life affirmation thought list the quicker your new thoughts will stream into you conscious without you having to put in any conscious effort.

Tip #4

Emotional connectedness is the fourth key. Being emotionally attached to old negative thoughts or excited emotionally by the negative thoughts is how the diluted thoughts embedded themselves in the first place.

How is emotional connected so important? Reflect on this idea. A stranger can say whatever about you to you and your subconscious mind rejects it because there is no emotion attachment. But the smallest criticism from someone you are emotionally attached or you love can produce major hurt that cuts to your core.

The Secret

To be successful at changing your thought patterns just follow the four keys.  Make your list (no more than 10 positive life affirmations), repeat them at scheduled times and feel them as you repeat your new created positive thoughts and they will stay with you. 

After Thought

So the secret to altering old thought patterns is creation, consistency and emotional commitment to new thoughts. Repeat them to yourself until you set a new pattern of thinking and it will create a new mindset.

 Make a positive change today with the 30 Day Mind Changing Challenge. Take the Mini Challenge to see if you are ready to change your thoughts.